WeLcome to Katlehong
Assemblies Of God


9008 Masakhane Street,

Tshongweni Section,




Sunday Service

Intercession: 8 am – 9 am

Children’s ministry: 8:30 am – 11 am

Mother’s, Men’s, and Sisters Ministry: 8:30 am – 9:55 am

Main service:  10 am – 12:30


Email: admin@aogkatlehong.co.za

Tel: 011 909 2328

Cell: 076 019 0374

Statement of our faith

The Statement of Faith is based on Peter’s confession recorded in Matthew 16:16 “Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”. Specifically written to ground believers in their faith, it reads as follows:


We believe in the God the Almighty Father; Maker of heaven and earth.


We believe in Jesus Christ only (begotten) Son our Lord.


We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary.


We believe that Jesus Christ suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell.


We believe that on the third day Jesus Christ rose from the dead.


We believe that Jesus Christ ascended into heaven; and sits at the right hand of God the Almighty Father.


From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.


We believe in the Holy Ghost.


We believe in the holy catholic (universal) church; the communion of saints.


We believe in the forgiveness of sins.


We believe in the resurrection of the body (flesh).


We believe in the everlasting life.

Get to know us

We also believe in:

The vision of this ministry which is simple but yet powerful. It is to go into every town, city, province, country preaching the heart of God which is the Word.

The vision is to bring people out of the power of darkness and straight into the light of the LORD, to enlighten them about who they are in the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

We believe in the Great Commission – Matthew 28 verse 19


We believe in Water Baptism and the Holy Spirit, as well as the teaching of the Word of God.


We believe in Holiness.


We believe in Holy Communion.


We believe in Prosperity.


We believe in Miracles.


We believe in Divine Healing and Deliverance.


Children's Ministry

Katlehong Assemblies of God Children Ministry aspires to be a Christian education school committed to providing relevant and quality biblical programs for the holistic development of a child.

The teachers in this ministry are in pursuit of the Assemblies of God mission and vision to bring Africa Back to God. Our motto is “Catch them young”. Teachers are also responsible for the implementation of the curriculum which allows the teaching and nurturing of our children in a uniform way across all regions of Assemblies of God.

Katlehong AOG Children Ministry aspires to help our children live a life of moral purity, and to teach our children Christian modesty in a way the bible advocates.

Youth Ministry

To cultivate a balanced Christian youth fit for service, being carriers of uncompromised
standards of holiness with a clear sense of identity being established in Christ.
Providing a platform that will enable and equip young people with the necessary tools to
carry out their God given purpose through the teaching of sound doctrine, encouraging
active participation and discipleship.
Our youth services take place every Friday evening from 18h00 and adjourn at 20:00.
According to the preliminary data recorded on our church database, our assembly has
a total of seventy-one young people, a total of forty-nine females and twenty-two males1
(unmarried youths between the ages of 18 and 35) however only an average of fifteen
attend our youth services.
We continue to uphold uncompromised standards of teachings that focuses on the
holistic being of a young person through undiluted, word-based teachings and
discussions in striving to develop a balanced Christian youth with high moral standards
and holiness who will disseminate the gospel in all areas of their life.
We have a fully functional six-member committee which was inducted on the 18th of
August 2019 by organizer SSE. Sambo. Our chairpersons table meetings on a regular
basis in order to plan and strategize for our services and other programs we wish to
embark on.
This document explains in detail our 2023 strategic plan, it covers our spiritual, social
and developmental endeavours.

Women's Conference

Women’s Conference was established by Dr. J Manganyi in 2018 after seeing the gap between mothers and daughters in the church.  The women’s conference is currently held once a year in August (during woman’s Month).  It is when women and daughters gather together to grow spiritually, find themselves, and celebrate womanhood.  Different speakers around South Africa get an opportunity to empower women with their expertise and experiences.  Above all, they will share the word of God.  Women and daughters from all walks of life are welcomed into an atmosphere of love and friendship.

We worship God together, dance together and dine together as one accord. Women are inspired to live victorious lives in a world where they often accept defeat as a norm. Women who felt rejected, broken, and isolated would leave empowered and accept the challenge of life positively.  Come and be transformed by the presence of God.  We look forward to the following conference so that we meet you, connect with you, make friends with you, and reach out to those who may be feeling lonely and discouraged. Titus 2:3-5

Counselling Ministry

Katlehong AOG Counselling Ministry was formed in 1999. The purpose is about discipleship of New Converts, spiritually helping the broken-hearted, acceptance and restoration of the rejected.  All through the Word of God and prayer.

In 2014 Counselling Ministry merged with Hands of Compassion (HOC).  With the merger of the two, it became easier for us to offer practical help to those in need to alleviate emotional pressure. We collect clothing, blankets, and money from the brethren to donate to the disadvantaged and in need right through the year.  At the end of the year, we donate food parcels to ensure that nobody is hungry during the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We also donate school shoes at the beginning of the year.

 We strongly believe that blessed is the hand that gives than the one that receives.  As a result, we know that the Church (members) will be more blessed financially and will not lack anything, by giving to the people of God.

New Believers Ministry

We have a ministry which is geared towards helping new believers grow in their new found faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Summary of what the ministry does is stated underneath


  1. Mission and purpose: Our mission is to give people tools to be established and rooted in Christ Jesus and equipping people for ministry
  2. Who can attend classes?
  • New converts, to ground them
  • Mature believers to prepare them for ministry
  1. What do we teach? We teach a lot of subjects such as what is salvation, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, second coming of Jesus Christ, prayer, how to study the bible for yourself etc
  • For more information on new believers class feel free to contact us, everyone is welcome even non-AOG believers
Sisters Ministry

The ladies ministry cut their pattern from the Mothers Ministry, all they do is highly inspired by their
mothers. The ladies come together to share the word of God, teach one another how to be rooted in
Christ in spite of the many challenges faced by young women. They teach and display that a young
lady with Christ is able to live a pure and holy life in spite of what the world teaches. In the book of
Ecclesiastes 11:1-4 says “Invest your money in foreign trade, and one day it will yield profits. The
ladies also teach one another to be see the importance of education. To occupy influential positions
at work. To start businesses and be wise with their profits.

Women/Mothers Ministry

This is ne integral part of our ministry where mother come together to share the word of God, teach
one another how to be rooted in the word of God. In a country where unemployment is rife, they
teach each other how to use their hands to provide for their families. Just like the book of Titus 2:4-5
“The older women teach the younger women how to love their husbands, love their children, to be
wise and pure, to be good workers at home”. This ministry contributes immensely to the call on
Mathew 28:19 “Go ye therefore and teach all nations”. Their financial contributions help tp spread
the gospel through the pitching of tents throughout Southern African. The mission is simple.. Hamba
Vangeli (Go ye therefore).

Fathers Ministry

It is all about spreading and celebrating the word of God amongst the Men in church. It encourages
men to be at their best spiritually, mentally, physically and otherwise. It promotes men to always
take the right actions, be responsible in the fulfilment of their duties and the service of the highest
Christian standards. This ministry also help men to rise up to the challenges of life as fathers,
husbands and respectable men in the community. Just like the book of Proverbs 27:17 “Iron
sharpens another iron” Men come together to share the word of God, share business ideas to be
wiser and more prepared to provide for the families.

Music & Worship Team Ministry

The Praise & Worship Team leads/ushers the congregation in song to the presence of the Lord and
the team comprises of a full band and a choir. Just like in the book of Exodus 15:1-2, Mirriam
composed a new song after she had seen the miracle by God of parting the red sea. The Israelites
sang a new song “The horse and Rider, the Lord threw into the sea”. The worship team come up
with songs that elevates Christ to the highest level and the entire congregation follow suite.

Our Pastors

Romans 10:14-15

14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:

“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,
Who bring glad tidings of good things!”

Pastor Thwala


Pastor Mosupi


Pastor Peege


Dr SD Gumbi


Pastor Kunene


Pastor Lusunzi


Dr Jele Manganyi


Pastor Zuma

2021 to date

Rebuilding the walls of katlehong

Nehemiah 2:17

But now I said to them, “You know very well what trouble we are in. Katlehong lies in ruins, and its walls have been destroyed by fire. Let us rebuild the walls of Katlehong and end this disgrace!”

Help Us Rebuild KAOG

Bank: First National Bank

Account Name: Katlehong Assemblies Of God

Account Number: 63005392202

Branch Name: Sunward Park

Branch Code: 201209

“Let us rebuild the walls of Katlehong and end this disgrace!”

We Would Love To Hear From You




011 909 2328


9008 Masakhane Street, Tshongweni Section, Katlehong, Johannesburg, 1431

Send us a Message

We are always available to assist you.

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